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To facilitate the registration process, hotel booking, and room allocation,

we have arranged a spacious and luxurious hotel in the center of Alma Ata.

You can independently book rooms at a significantly discounted rate for the duration of your stay.

Most events surrounding the eightieth yahrzeit will take place at this hotel:

weekday meals, Shabbos meals and farbrengens, Shabbos davening, and the main event on Motzaei Shabbos.

If you prefer to arrange your own accommodation nearby and within walking distance,

you are welcome to join the tefillos and meals at the hotel free of charge.

The program is intended for both men and women (the schedule will detail separate shiurim, lectures, and farbrengens).

Please note:

By clicking the 'Register with Accommodation' button,

you will be automatically redirected to the hotel website (in the local language – Kazakh, and local currency).

To switch the language, select the United States flag at the top right,

as well as the corresponding currency (Dollar/Euro) to navigate the registration and payment system.

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