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General Schedule

Chof Av, 5784 – Alma Ata, Kazakhstan

Thursday, 18 Av (August 22)

  • Arrival and Reception

  • Lunch at the Hotel

  • Dinner and Bruchim Haba’im Farbrengen at the Chabad House

Friday, 19 Av (August 23)

  • Shacharis in the Tents at the Cemetery

  • Main Event and Pan Kloli at 10:30 AM

Shabbat Eve – Chof Av

  • Central Shabbos Dinner and Farbrengen at the Rixos and Ramada Hotels

Shabbos Parshas Eikev – the Yom Hilulah

  • Mikvah

  • Chassidus

  • Shacharis near the Ohel

  • Central Seudas Shabbos and Farbrengen at the Chabad House

Motzei Shabbos

  • Festive Melave Malka and Central Farbrengen for the Yom Hilulah in the Grand Ballroom of the Rixos Hotel

Sunday, 21 Av (August 25)

  • Shacharis and Breakfast

  • Departure

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